Friday, 5 December 2014


For our Psycho geography project we're to explore areas and detail how they effect us and how we in turn affect the area. Somebody may form a growing attachment to a certain location they occupy, it becomes a place of solace or social activity, either way they feel deep connection to it.

This is an art form being practiced by a variety of people, some of which aren't even aware of it, traveling from one play to the next, the area often stays more or less the same but changes over time, a historic event having taken place in the location can add a sense of character to this place, a story to carry on its legacy.

I'vee been familiar with the practice of psycho geography and I have made vital use of places that have made an impression on me in films.

I've been altered informed that on project was to merely go out and test photography skills and create a narrative out of our ideas.

When I was presented with the task of creating a Psycho geography project it sparked my imagination. I had a dozens of ideas to utilise.

I've studied varies artist who have patten in Psycho geography and what it means to them, so I could get a clear idea of how I can approach it and put my own fresh stamp.

I've planed out a story board for my story idea and how I'd do a film about psycho geography.

I've listed down visuals and notes of what I want to portray in my project, all I need to do now is organise them into a cohesive narrative while at the same time retaining engaging visuals to tell the story.

The film introduces us to someone who is moving from their home town to live at uni, it portrays the transition of being a newly arrived stranger to someone who's who feels safe and at home.

We introduced to our narrator

We get a brief glimpse of their home town

And to where they now reside and specific recognisable landmarks, 


Me looking at sign
My old hometown, transition to new town where uni is
At first hesitant and sad for leaving behind home and saying goodbye
Felt like an isolated stranger
Meet new friends get accustom to area
Buildings landmarks
Wandering places, showing me ravelling to place and where these places are marked on the map
I mention the environment
The places I like and that I’ve gotten use to
How the place have affected me and how I’ve affected the place
This is UCA Farnham, this is my journey, this is my psycho geography.

Tutorial with Kathleen Rodgers 9th October 2014 For Maps & Journeys project

I told Kathleen my idea about locating to a new town – route – paths – maps.

Nature leaving a mark on us??

Town Planning exercise – permissions??

Kathleen suggested I look at perhaps a Live Issue – a community group against building of new housing??

Maybe approach the local planning department ?

Friends of Farnham Park perhaps they have such a group ?

Maybe interview people doing good in the area??  Social enterprise ?  Gardens & Allotments??

Foodbanks?? Jeanne said local church distribute food to those in need United Reformed Church next door to university.

Laura said Bourne Woods and the over filming and the damage filmmakers do to the woods, to the trees and plants…?

Dutch Elm Disease?

False Widow Spiders in uni Halls??

Kathleen said “You need an Issue!”

One idea I considered was to look in the local paper to find a current issue taking place in the area. One story I came across was about a local resident, a gentleman who wrote to the local paper how he was opposed to the concreting of the Hopfields  as it would be a  irrecoverable loss of an area of high amenity and environmental value.

In accordance to this experiment conducted in with mediums in a ghost hunter fashion it attempts to documents a supernatural presence manifested in this location. The experiment was a failure but non the less offered a chilling surreal result.





In a couple of weeks time l'll be pitching my idea for a Psycho Geography Maps and Journey film.

I'm incorporating concepts of maps content "visual wise" and metaphorically.

One thats both visually stimulating but also emotionally engaging, Psycho geography, incarnation of emotions and memories tied to particular locations.

Story, plot, Narrative could be portrayed through descriptive letters, emails, photo albums, virtual pictures and tracker device or audio samples.

Maps in fiction. Example of incorporating a map to a films plot or a scene.

Indiana Jones Global Map Transitions

Middle Earth Map 

In the film Freddy's Dead the Final Nightmare 6th instalment of the Nightmare on Elm Street Slasher film series a character is dreaming and as he explores the map he tries to unravel it he discovers that its too big to be fully unfolded, he discovers writing which spells out “Your fucked”

In the film water world a movie set in a post apocalyptic world where the polar icecaps have melted flooding the Earth. The coordinates to the last known refuge of dry land is a tattoo marked on one of the character’s back.

A group sets off on a treasure hunt. One of them sneaks away the map from their leader only to discover that it’s a board game from a cereal box, their entire journey has been a pointless endeavour.

A group sets off on a treasure hunt. After traveling long and far they find enough clues to reveal the location of the treasure, which turns out to be the very place where they started out their journey at.

A character is set about on a journey to reach a certain location however through a set of circumstances his maps is torn in half so he has to figure out how to make his way to his destination without getting lost.

These are just few of the creative ways how maps can be a driving force for a films plot.

This following idea I have detailed about in a previous blog.

Idea #1
Someone is given a new career arrives into town. Though he’s hesitant at first he gives the place a chance and explores it, finding out that there’s more to this place than he had thought. He takes a walk into town following a paper map while marking out all the key areas that leave an indefinite impression on him as he's adjusts to his new home for example 

Idea #2
An over protective father “wanting to make sure his daughter stays out of trouble” bugs her phone so he can keep track and follow her on a virtual map detailing her every move, documenting her entire journey.

Idea #3
A young lad arrives in town to visit his Grandparents. He notices that they’re troubled that the council have decided to close their favourite local pub, he gets lost in the woods one day and uncovers a sinister scheme to awaken ancient evil mummified warlord who's tomb lies beneath the Pub, his awakening could spell down for mankind. The lad realises that since the pub is being closed down has made this possible. Seeing that no one believes him he must uncover artefacts with a map that will allow him to seal the tomb once more saving the town.

Tough these ideas have high stakes it’s kept to a minimal scale, showing a subdued upbeat character piece that utilises mapping and finding one’s way to their destination but also onto a new track in life.

After thinking it through I have decided to settle on my first idea as it was the most developed idea and personal to me.

Here is the structure for the film I’m planning.

Beginning Act
The protagonist arrives in Farnham town. Film opens on a Welcome to Farnham sign. When he’s at first introduced to the area he is unenthusiastic, unsure of this place, looking at the map he’s all lost and confused trying to find his way about town.

Middle Act
Over time his attitude changes. The local people in town are generous and welcoming to him, he gradually makes new friends. He follows the map of Farnham town discovering various places and marking the ones that mostly appeal to him e.g. the local Park, Restaurants, Pubs, Gym, Leisure centre, Theatre, Church, woodlands, countryside ect.

End Act

The Main character has fully accepted their place in their new found home. His progression attempts to convince the viewer to take a second look at their surroundings and perhaps gain a greater appreciation for it by showing that even the smaller local business can hold up, the residents are nice people and that its somewhere you’ll be wanting to come back to.

Speaking with Rosie she suggested that I keep my idea simple, more about the visuals and not on narrative, show don't tell.

She said the idea of someone in a new place finding their way around was the strongest idea.

I had considered adding some green screen effects and animation to my project.

The Idea of Graffiti art coming to life and interacting with the main character is similar in nature to a deleted scene from the film Men in Black 3.

However Rosie said that would probably take to long to learn and master the skills in time to produce such a film idea.

I have a verity of ideas for my Maps and Journey film

I have spent the most development on an idea of an individual who arrives in a new town not only under going  a physical journey but also an emotional one. I've shot a test video of this idea.

I was given the feedback that it had to much of a narrative and centred on a character piece which I was advise to avoid using.

So I thought of other ideas, one of which involved someone driving along a dark motorway at night.

And another idea I tested involve someone running through an alleyway trying to escape, once he reaches the end he's in a graveyard.

While all these ideas are interesting they didn't quite allow the full extent of creativity for me to utilise. I looked back to a previous film that we were presented with for inspiration Leah Gordon, that film in particular was London Orbital by Chris Pettit and Ian Sinclair.

For further examples of research I've looked up Pipilotti Rist's  Sip My Ocean, which has a relaxing hypnotic quality which I intend to emulate in my film.


Part of my film plan involves taking footage set on the front seat of a double decker bus. I have been suggested to make use of headphones so that an audience can listen to sounds of a bus, So I'll collect sound recordings to create the mood and feeling of this setting. 

These sounds include the bus humming, traffic, people chatting, blowing of wind, birds outside. I have also been suggested to include my voice narrating the journey speaking my mind.

The way I intend to present this in the gallery is to have it projected onto the wall and to have the seat resemble that of a bus to give the audience a experience of simulation as though they are riding on a never ending bus ride.
 I've considered interviewing bus passengers to gather their thoughts and feeling on the Trials and Tribulations of bus travelling.

I'm also considered having the footage repeat towards the end giving a sense recollection and a never ending journey.

The idea of a pov shot of the road has been attempted several times.

Working title Road to Nowhere

Log line
An infinite bus ride.

Though it follows a planned bus route the circumstances of the journey are unpredictable.

Brief overview narrative
A passenger sits in the front seat of a double decker bus and views the world passing by.

What is the audience to gain from this experience?
The film focuses on the longevity of a bus route, a journey into a infinite loop. The viewer is put in the perspective of a passenger riding in the front seat of a bus being immersed in all the scenery passing by outside. Its to be displayed in a gallery for the purpose of the viewing public to be subjected to an experience of a Transportation Simulation and escapism.

Storyboard/Shot List
The film does not rely on a pre-planed arrangement of shots as it instead relies on the main shot of the front seat of the bus, it can’t be planed or anticipated.

Sound collection

As part of my film there’s to be a collection of sounds, these include bus humming, traffic, people chatting, blowing of wind, birds outside. But there’s also to be a narration from the bus passenger as he speaks his mind.

I'll collect sound recordings and alter them using Protools to the point where it creates a submersive sense of the surrounding, to create a mood and feeling of this setting.

The audio is to be heard through headphones which shall allow the viewer to hear a narration, they’ll be put inside the mind of the passenger as he undergoes this bus ride giving a sense of who he is and how the journey effects him.

Script Examples

“Here I am getting onto my local bus, I make my way up the steps and into the front seat. My journey begins here.”

“Though I’m confortable in my seat it smell of cigarettes smoke and fast food. Here and there I notice litter scattered about, because of the smell I’ll open the window beside me. There’s bit of a draft but it doesn’t bother me.”

“As I sit here on the bus I see the motorway that lies before me, a long endeavor without end. On both sides of the lanes cars and vans driving towards their destination whilst the world around is a blur, there’s hardly a moment to appreciate the peaceful countryside surroundings for we’re passing it by so quickly. Everything is going by so fast yet this journey feels like an eternity.”

I doubt that the other passengers are pondering the same thoughts as I am, I would ask them but they probably don’t want to be interrupted. Despite everyone else occupying this bus I never felt so alone.”
“I feel the need to be using the lavatory, bother, I should have gone to the loo before setting off the bus. Now I’ll just have to wait, hopefully I can hold it long enough.”

Times/Locations of shoot/sound collection Schedule
The time of the sound collection is to tentatively take place on Friday the 31st of October and the filming shoot will take place on the 6th/November. The editing and sound mix will take place on the 17th and 18th of November and 3trd if December.

Financial details
UCA shall be financing the production.

Casting list
There are no featured cast of actors to play characters in the film however the film does follow an anonymous passenger who remains unseen throughout the film.

Risk assessment
The potential risks have been analyzed and I’ve filled out the necessary forms.

Permission from bus company

The requested permission from the bus company has been granted.

For my Psycho Geography film I have been advised to include a monologue of the bus passenger. We hear his thoughts.

A similar example that I have been advised to look towards for inspiration is Derek Jarman's visual, audio experiment  Blue.

Part 1

Part 2

This would be director Derek Jarman's final film as he was dying of AIDs, he was loosing his eye sight and this would be the subject of the film as it follows a man who's going through the same process, the screen consists entirely of a blue image while we hear the man narrating throughout the film.

Here's an interview with Director Derek Jarman.

Day of filming I too k the 65 bus to Guilford and with a cannon camera I filmed a straight forward, point of view shot. Luck was on my side that it was still daylight around the time I was filming.

Around a following day I gathered a collection of audio samples of the motorway and the interior of a bus.

I’d later record a narration of the character’s thoughts, expressing his frustration of the long dreary journey. After analysing my recording I realised that it wasn’t loud enough to be heard so I re-recorded making it both louder and spoken in a more lively energetic manner to make it more charismatic. 

I edited my film and included some audio samples, I added a reverb effect to the audio so that my narration would have an echoing effect sounding as though it was a voice coming from inside the traveller’s head.

I pieced together a two minute film which would loop repeatedly giving the feeling of an infinite journey.

A two minute work print cut can be viewed here:

Overall its been complicated creative progress but one that lead challenged me in many ways, it was a journey in its own right that I'd glaldly take up again, and use what I'd learn from the prior experience.