Monday 5 January 2015

Prototype film and Feedback

For this submission I’m presenting this short two minute loop of a bus journey with a voice narration of the passenger. Its serves as a prototype of a project that I plan to expand on the ideas to make the piece longer to achieve the full effect of subjecting the viewer to the experience of being entrapped on a bus.  I intend to achieve this by filming more footage and adding a longer narration.

Here’s a demo of my current progress.

Road to NowWhere or The Thoughts of a Frustrated Passenger

To practice my filmmaking skills I took footage of inanimate objects being moved, creating a surreal visual experiment.

Visual Experiment

Upon receiving feedback for my work print film I was informed that the footage didnt work as a loop, 2 minutes is too short of a duration, it wasnt especially well shot, there were problems with the audio and most importantly there requires more substance, it needs to be handled in a way to make it more engaging. I will reshoot the footage avoiding the problems I encountered before.

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