Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Rough Sheet of Organised Production

Working title Road to Nowhere

Log line
An infinite bus ride.

Though it follows a planned bus route the circumstances of the journey are unpredictable.

Brief overview narrative
A passenger sits in the front seat of a double decker bus and views the world passing by.

What is the audience to gain from this experience?
The film focuses on the longevity of a bus route, a journey into a infinite loop. The viewer is put in the perspective of a passenger riding in the front seat of a bus being immersed in all the scenery passing by outside. Its to be displayed in a gallery for the purpose of the viewing public to be subjected to an experience of a Transportation Simulation and escapism.

Storyboard/Shot List
The film does not rely on a pre-planed arrangement of shots as it instead relies on the main shot of the front seat of the bus, it can’t be planed or anticipated.

Sound collection

As part of my film there’s to be a collection of sounds, these include bus humming, traffic, people chatting, blowing of wind, birds outside. But there’s also to be a narration from the bus passenger as he speaks his mind.

I'll collect sound recordings and alter them using Protools to the point where it creates a submersive sense of the surrounding, to create a mood and feeling of this setting.

The audio is to be heard through headphones which shall allow the viewer to hear a narration, they’ll be put inside the mind of the passenger as he undergoes this bus ride giving a sense of who he is and how the journey effects him.

Script Examples

“Here I am getting onto my local bus, I make my way up the steps and into the front seat. My journey begins here.”

“Though I’m confortable in my seat it smell of cigarettes smoke and fast food. Here and there I notice litter scattered about, because of the smell I’ll open the window beside me. There’s bit of a draft but it doesn’t bother me.”

“As I sit here on the bus I see the motorway that lies before me, a long endeavor without end. On both sides of the lanes cars and vans driving towards their destination whilst the world around is a blur, there’s hardly a moment to appreciate the peaceful countryside surroundings for we’re passing it by so quickly. Everything is going by so fast yet this journey feels like an eternity.”

I doubt that the other passengers are pondering the same thoughts as I am, I would ask them but they probably don’t want to be interrupted. Despite everyone else occupying this bus I never felt so alone.”
“I feel the need to be using the lavatory, bother, I should have gone to the loo before setting off the bus. Now I’ll just have to wait, hopefully I can hold it long enough.”

Times/Locations of shoot/sound collection Schedule
The time of the sound collection is to tentatively take place on Friday the 31st of October and the filming shoot will take place on the 6th/November. The editing and sound mix will take place on the 17th and 18th of November and 3trd if December.

Financial details
UCA shall be financing the production.

Casting list
There are no featured cast of actors to play characters in the film however the film does follow an anonymous passenger who remains unseen throughout the film.

Risk assessment
The potential risks have been analyzed and I’ve filled out the necessary forms.

Permission from bus company

The requested permission from the bus company has been granted.

1 comment:

  1. 30th Oct Tutorial: Synopsis describes intention but not sufficient description of sound track. Without a fuller development of this aspect of the work I can’t see how it will engage the viewer or be different to any tourist pointing a camera out of the window of a bus. Consider developing and recording a script that is inner monologue/think track of person taking the bus journey. Understood you were returning today with a risk assessment for sound recording…???
